
This week’s episode of Monday Night Raw was the special season premiere episode of the show and a huge announcement was made about Raw’s future. On Monday night it was confirmed that starting October 7th Raw will become a two hour show once again. However, it doesn’t seem that this is a permanent change.

Dave Meltzer shared an update on the future of Raw on Wrestling Observer Radio, and he noted that current plans call for Raw to move back to the three hour format when the show moves to Netflix in January.

“It’s a three-hour show when it moves to Netflix. I got it confirmed a few minutes ago.”

Meltzer went on to say that the decision to cut the third hour from Monday Night Raw was a decision made by USA Network, not by the people in charge of WWE.

“The basic situation is that it was a USA Network call not a WWE call. I’m not sure why. It will boost the ratings of the show because they won’t have the third hour that drags down the average, but I’m not sure exactly why USA made the call.

“October 7 will be the first show under the new three month contract, which is the $25 million deal for three months, which is way below market value. So for that three month period WWE had the choice between Peacock or USA essentially.

“Peacock was not willing to pay extra, they would have taken it and taken the three hours and I guess USA was only going to take the two hours because maybe they had something planned. The plans were to drop Raw at the end of this month. And so whatever it was this was the way that was all worked out, that they were going to take it for two hours.”

How do you feel about Raw going back to two hours for a few months? Sound off in the comments below.

H/T WrestleTalk