cody rhodes

Cody Rhodes made his big return to WWE at WrestleMania 38 back in 2022, and he defeated Seth Rollins on the Grandest Stage of Them All. In the months that followed Cody’s rivalry with Seth intensified as they faced off in two more matches which both saw Cody Rhodes pick up the victory.

Earlier this year Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins formed an alliance when they teamed up to take on The Rock and Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 40. While speaking to Inside The Ropes about Seth Rollins’ work ethic Cody Rhodes praised the visionary while calling him the MVP of WrestleMania this year.

“Look at WrestleMania 40, in a sense of, you know, Seth the MVP of that event. And I think sometimes when you’re the base of something or when you are maybe its biggest cheerleader and the guy who’s blown the horn and waving the flag like Seth had been for WWE — probably as in terms of outspokenness more than anybody — I think those matches …. I don’t think I realized how important they were at the time.”

Rhodes went on to say that he’d like to test himself against Seth in an Iron Man match when he added, “I’d love to do … he is such a great in-ring wrestler, in addition to all the other things he is — if I had to go 60 minutes with anybody, I’d certainly like to test myself with somebody like him in an Iron Man setting. But, again, I don’t know if anybody wants to see another one. We really did good with the three we had.”

Do you want to see Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins face off in an Iron Man match? Sound off in the comments below.

H/T Wrestling Inc.