
Over the last few weeks a number of WWE stars have been sidelined due to injury, and Ivar was written off TV during this week’s episode of NXT. Following the show there’s been a lot of talk about what’s going on with Ivar as it was rumored that his injury was a work. However, that is not the case.

Recently Ivar took to social media to clarify his status and he confirmed that he’s dealing with a serious injury when he posted the following:

“There has been alot of misinformation floating around about me. Let me clarify:

Yes I am injured
Yes it is very serious
No I have not had surgery

Still trying to figure out all options and what this means for my future.

That being said, I Want to thank everyone for the out pouring of love and support, not only after finding out I was injured but thru out the last several months, I have heard you all!

No matter what happens, I owe it to everyone who ever believed in me to do everything I can to get back in that ring, under those lights, and infront of the most amazing fans on the planet, see you ass soon as I can!”

There’s currently no word on what type of injury Ivar is deal with, or how long he could be off TV. Stay tuned for updates.