Business has certainly picked up in the world of professional wrestling over the last few weeks, and WWE pulled out all the stops for their special Day 1 edition of Raw on Monday.

Ahead of the show Triple H teased that a former WWE Champion would be making an appearance on Day 1 Raw which led to a lot of speculation among fans regarding who the former WWE Champion could be.

WWE made a big deal of the return and when it came time for the former WWE Champion to be revealed Jinder Mahal made his way out into the arena. Jinder grabbed a mic as the fans booed. He then berated them for being disappointed as he reminded them that he’s a former WWE Champion.

Mahal said that only thing that’s disappointing is what’s become of the United States of America. The fans chanted “USA! USA! USA!” as Jinder told then to shut their mouths. He then told them they are divided and he will be their unifier.

He sang the national anthem in Punjabi and the fans booed. Jinder Mahal then criticized them for booing their own national anthem. Jinder Mahal proceeded to speak on Punjabi again, but he was interrupted by The Rock’s music which hit to a massive reaction from the crowd.

The Rock did his pose in the corner and he stared down Jinder Mahal as the fans chanted his name. The Great One did an Iron Sheik impression as he took a shot at Jinder Mahal. The Modern Day Maharaja told The Rock that he should be disgusted and ashamed to represent these people. Rock said he’s damn proud to be an American, and he’s proud to say “Finally The Rock has come back to San Diego!”

The People’s Champion told Jinder Mahal that he has “resting a*****e face” and if he was one of The Rock’s movies he would be Baywatch. Jinder told him he’s never seen Baywatch and The Rock told him it doesn’t matter that he’s never seen Baywatch.

The fans started to chant “USA! USA! USA!” again. The Rock told Jinder Mahal he can’t run the country down without facing consequences from The Rock. The Great One said he had one last gift for Jinder Mahal and he sang a verse from the national anthem. However, he altered the lyrics to take shots at Jinder Mahal. As The Rock was finishing up Jinder attacked him and beat The Rock into the corner.

The Rock fought back and hit Jinder with the spinebuster then hit The People’s Elbow. After that The Rock took off his belt and hit Jinder Mahal with it as Jinder retreated.

The Great One got back on the mic and told the San Diego fans he loves them. He said he’s going to get something to eat after the show and asked if he should sit in a booth, at the bar, or at the head of the table. There was a big reaction from the fans when The Rock mentioned the head of the table. He told them one last time he loved them then did his catchphrase before he left.