Over the last few years fans have seen a number of former WWE stars join AEW including Malakai Black who was formerly known as Aleister Black during his run with WWE.

It sounds like Malakai had a specific idea in mind for Aleister Black as he explained on The Undisputed Podcast that the idea he pitched to Triple H was the character would be Lucifer searching for redemption after being cast out.

“I’ve always been obsessed with that idea. So when I pitched the idea for Alistair to [Triple H], … I said, ‘The idea that I have is — what if Lucifier was cast out, and he fell down, and … he woke up and he had no idea who he was. But he knew that he did something awful, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. He knew he did something so heinous, so bad, that no matter what he did he has this quiet urge to redeem himself, but he doesn’t know why. And that’s the conversation me and [Triple H] started having about … the Aleister character.”

After making his NXT debut Aleister Black went on to become one of the top stars in the promotion which led to some backlash from other people on the roster which you can read more about here.

H/T Wrestling Inc.