Rey Mysterio has been invited by AAA officials to appear at their pay-per-view Triplemania XXII in Mexico City this Sunday according to Steve Sims of According to Sims Rey will most likely accept the invite and appear as a guest. Alberto Del Rio has been confirmed for an appearance at the event.

Former WWE Spanish announcer Hugo Savinovich announced revealed recently that Rey Mysterio is looking to join AAA once he gets out of his WWE contract.

Mysterio has reportedly been looking to leave WWE for a while now and his contract was set to expire in April but Vince McMahon decided to extend due to the fact that Rey had been out because of an injury. WWE feels that Rey owes them time due to the fact that he’s missed out on much of his contract obligations as a result of his injury. Rey has reportedly stopped cashing any of the checks he’s getting from WWE  and is rumored to take legal action in order to get out of his contract.