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There are quite a few people on the AEW roster who aren’t afraid to speak their mind and Eddie Kingston happens to be one of them. Kingston is never shy when it comes to telling the world how he feels and he recently took to Twitter to voice his opinions on the current state of AEW.

The Mad King posted several tweets calling out Tony Khan for protecting the “pillars” of the company while criticizing how often MJF is being used. Kingston also went off on Ortiz and House of Black. Eddie’s full rant reads as follows:

“Please understand if anyone likes someone I don’t like that is fine. I have my reasons and there is a lot of backstage stuff on why I don’t like certain people. Again I’m not judging them , I just don’t want to be around then. But also I like to talk s**t so maybe…..

I can fight them in or out of the ring. Yes I am a emotional king (mad) so I am still learning how to deal with s**t. But again when Tony is done protecting certain “pillars” let’s see if they are as great as he thinks. Again folks there is a lot ofninside baseball you don’t…..

Need to know so just watch the shows and understand I truly and honestly will do whatever the f**k I want and force certain cowards in wrestling to make a move or get the f**k out the way. Again when they are done being protected.

I stretch one “pillar” granted I lost (Surprising I know) but at this point in my career I just want to fight. F**k a belt f**k a win I just want to see fear in the eyes of the boss favorites. And then smile back at the hotel room knowingly win or lose in the ring I mentally win.

Yeah I can’t tweet for s**t lolol some of it don’t make sense but it makes sense to me.”

Eddie Kingston’s rant continued when he added, “Side note since we need to see his world champ 3 times within a hour and a half when it is a two hour show. F**k ortiz fuck house of black and f**k the roster. Born aline die alone I tried. I don’t need anyone including mox and penta. F**k everyone. Especially the ‘pillars'”

Stay tuned for more updates as they become available.