john cena

John Cena was the face of the WWE for a long time, but in recent years Cena has been pursuing other opportunities outside of wrestling such as his acting career.

The former WWE Champion has been working hard to raise his stock in other forms of entertainment, and it seems that he has the full support of Vince McMahon.

During an interview with Bleacher Report the 16 time WWE World Champion spoke about his current relationship with Vince McMahon, and he noted that Vince has been very understanding.

“It’s also appreciative that someone like that understands what I’m doing and approaches my choices with empathy rather than apathy. The guy who runs the joint isn’t saying, ‘Screw it, get down here! It’s on a weekend, I know you’re not working!’ He approaches those choices with empathy, saying, ‘This is a great opportunity for you, John. You’re always a part of this family, and if you do well, we all do well.’ I reciprocate in saying that I want the WWE to thrive.

“That’s why I’ve invested so much of my blood, sweat and tears. I don’t want to see it fall off. I want to see it be everywhere. I want to see it be larger. I want to see it have more success. I want people to look back and not say, ‘Oh, man, it was great when…’ I want people to say, ‘He kind of opened the door for what’s going on now.’”