
Even though there was a big wave of releases back in April, there are still quite a few names on the WWE main roster, and unfortunately only so many talents can be featured on TV.

Last year Mustafa Ali was receiving a healthy push before getting injured, and unfortunately for him he hasn’t really been able to regain his momentum since returning.

A fan on Twitter recently noted that Mustafa Ali has the easiest job, because he hasn’t been on TV recently, and he got an interesting response from Ali who posted the following:

“Yeah man. It’s real nice to be in your prime and wanting to use the exposure you get to bring light to serious topics, but instead forced to the sidelines for reasons beyond your control. Real nice to not be allowed to do what you’re passionate about.”

It’s been rumored that Ali could be revealed to be the mysterious SmackDown hacker who has been taunting Superstars with video packages for months now.

If he is indeed revealed to be the hacker then it’s probably safe to say he’ll be getting some TV time, but we’ll just have to wait and see.