8 Wrestlers Who Pooped Their Pants And Continued To Put On A Show


Accidents happen in the world of professional wrestling and some accidents are worse than others.

Over the years there have been several wrestlers that have lost control and pooped their pants while trying to perform.

These incidents weren’t pretty, but they make for some pretty hilarious stories. Today we’re going to take a look at some of the warriors the squared circle who pooped their pants, but didn’t let it phase them. Here are 8 wrestlers who lost control but went on with the show.


Tommy Dreamer


Mark Henry has literally slammed the crap out of Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer revealed in an interview with Jeff Pearlman that during a match against Henry, he took the World’s Strongest Slam which caused Dreamer to defecate in his own pants without even knowing it.

Dreamer says that after the match he was laying in the ring when he noticed an awful smell. He assumed that either Tony Atlas or Mark Henry had dropped the bomb but later discovered in the shower that it was he himself that had the accident.

“I come out of the shower and I forgot that I had left my clean underwear back in my hotel room and I was like, ‘I’ll just put on the underwear I just wrestled in.” I go and I see that there’s a large tootsie roll sitting in my underwear. I just took off my gear and dropped it right there on the floor and then I picked it up and I smelled it. It was disgusting and it was crap and I said, “Who [defecated] in my pants?’ Then I looked, like I thought someone was ribbing me, pulling a joke on me and then I was like, ‘Did I [defecate] in my pants?” Dreamer said.

Tommy Dreamer was so concerned about the mysterious poop that appeared in his pants that he even took it to a doctor for peace of mind.

“It was a cube of poop and I took it to the doctor. I was concerned. I was like ‘Doc, I have pooped my pants before, but I know when I pooped my pants before, this time it’s not like I felt it.’ I was like, ‘What is this?’ And he was like, ‘You ever hear the expression he knocked the [feces] out of you?’ And I said, ‘Yeah.” He goes, ‘That’s compacted old meat.’ You know, you get a – not a colonoscopy – but when they cleanse you, he said that is upper bowel and I got hit with such force it shot right out of me.” Dreamer added.





Bret Hart found himself in a bad spot while a Banzai Drop from Yokozuna back in the day. According to Hart, Yokozuna was suffering from some bad daihrrea and when Yoko was about to hit the move Hart looked up and saw a brown stain on his tights. At that point, all he could do is stay down and wait for the inevitable to happen.

Another incident happened when Bret Hart and The Undertaker were both backstage and they heard a loud bang followed by the sound of running water. Taker and Hart then found Yokozuna on the floor, covered in poop as the toilet he was sitting on collapsed. According to the story the two wrestlers couldn’t help themselves from laughing as Yoko asked for help.


Andre The Giant


Andre The Giant was a very large and intimidating man. Ending up on the wrong side of this man was something you definitely didn’t want to do. Unfortunately Bad News Brown found himself in a precarious position during a match with Andre and it didn’t end well for anyone involved.

The story goes that Andre went for a splash in the corner on Brown and when he hit it Andre lost control of his bowels. Brown then rushed to the showers in disgust. Brown has said however that Andre was sick and the whole thing was an accident.


John Cena


John Cena has done a lot of things that many professional wrestlers will never do in their careers. One of the things Cena can say he’s done is crap his pants in the ring, or more accurately speaking, under the ring.

John Cena has told the tale in interviews as well as on Total Divas, but he ended up crapping his pants during a match with Scott Steiner. Cena entered the match with a brutal case of food poisoning and at one point felt like he had to puke. Cena then crawled under the ring so that he could vomit in a place where the audience couldn’t see him, but while he was vomiting he also crapped his pants. Maybe that’s why he enjoys poop jokes so much.




This one has yet to be officially confirmed, but it’s somewhat of an urban legend in the wrestling community. The story goes that during the WWE Championship match at WrestleMania 13, Sid pooped his pants while battling The Undertaker. Taker then supposedly had to deal with the smell while giving Sid the Tombstone.

There are a lot of rumors still going around about this one so it’s tough to tell what’s true or not. One rumor suggests that The Undertaker confirmed the incident at some point and another rumor claims that the incident actually happened at a house show prior to WrestleMania 13. Like we said, this is somewhat of an urban legend in the wrestling world, but considering that this article itself is a testament to the fact that these type of things do happen, it’s not hard to believe.



CM Punk


CM Punk revealed during his tell all podcast with Colt Cabana that he had been wrestling with a staph infection prior to his WWE departure. Punk also revealed that he was given Z-Paks by a WWE doctor and that the antibiotics didn’t clear up the infection, they instead created a whole new problem for Punk.

Thanks to the antibiotics that CM Punk was taking, he couldn’t help himself during a match at a SmackDown taping and he defecated in his trunks. Apparently it happened during the match below.

CM Punk vs. Dean Ambrose: SmackDown, Dec. 6, 2013



Vince McMahon


Vince McMahon is the most powerful man in the professional wrestling industry. He’s done it all, including sharting himself before going out to the ring. During an appearance on the Opie and Anthony radio show a few years ago, Jim Ross shared a story about Vince McMahon trying to play a prank that went wrong.

According to Ross, Vince McMahon farted in Gerald Brisco’s face as he was waiting for his music to hit before going to the ring, but the fart was more than a fart. Like a true professional, Vince made his way to the ring wearing khaki pants with a nice brown racing stripe in the back during a live broadcast of Monday Night Raw.

Jim Ross tells the whole story from start to finish in the video below. The story starts at the 2:52 mark.

WWE Jim Ross says Vince McMahon SHARTED - @OpieRadio



Steve Austin


Steve Austin is one tough S.O.B. but even this WWE Hall of Famer has had an accident in the ring. Austin has admitted in the past that during a match with Yokozuna in Africa. Austin took a slam from Yokozuna and immediately let himself go after hitting the mat. Austin wasn’t shy about letting the world know either. During the 2011 season of Tough Enough he openly talked about the incident.

Steve Austin crapped his pants




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