8 Of The Best Wrestling Parody Videos The Internet Has To Offer


Pro wrestling can be pretty funny sometimes. Pro wrestling can be funny on purpose, pro wrestling can be funny by accident and pro wrestling can sometimes be easy to poke fun at like in the wrestling parody videos below.

As wrestling fans ourselves we certainly appreciate a good wrestling parody video from time to time. For that very reason we decided to search through many pages of YouTube videos and put together a list of wrestling parodies that made us laugh. We’re more than confident that they will make all of you laugh as well. Let’s take a look at the list.


#8 – Pulp Fiction Wrestling Parody

Pulp Fiction is a classic movie and this wrestling parody video happens to use one of the best scenes from the film as its backdrop. In the film the characters Jules and Vincent discuss fast food but in this video Jules rants about wrestling. It’s a quick one but it’s definitely worthy of a spot on the list.

Check out Smart Wrestling Fan podcast by clicking HERE.


#7 – Colt Cabana The Art Of Wrestling Parody

What do you get when you take a classic Macho Man promo then add Colt Cabana’s grandmother and Freight Train from 5 Dollar Wrestling? You get a whole lot of awesome that’s what.

Check out Colt Cabana’s podcast by clicking HERE.


#6 – Catching Fire WWE Parody

When you actually stop and think about it the WWE has a lot in common with The Hunger Games. Both settings are hostile and cutthroat environments where even your friends will step on you in order to get to the top. Lucky for us someone recognized the similarities and dubbed some dialogue from The Hunger Games: Catching Fire over a few WWE promo videos. It’s a perfect fit.


#5 – The Wrestling Fan (The Wrestler Parody)

The movie The Wrestler was pretty controversial in the wrestling community. Some people said it was accurate and others said it was highly exaggerated. However when it comes to the parody video The Wrestling Fan we would say this is a pretty accurate portrayal of what it’s like to be a fan.


#4 – Hulk Hogan VS The Ultimate Warrior Parody

You can’t always recreate the past but with enough dedication and the right costumes, you can try like hell. In this video two fans dressed as The Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan battle it out in the parking lot of a WWE event and capture the imagination as well as the hearts of the audience.


#3 – Heelbook: Royal Rumble 2014 Trailer

Heelbook did a great job with this one from the editing to the dialogue and everything in between this wrestling parody for the 2014 Royal Rumble keeps you entertained from start to finish. What you get here is a pretty accurate description of how the fans felt during the buildup to the Royal Rumble wrapped in a pretty hilarious package.

Check out Heelbook on Facebook by clicking HERE.


#2 – Jim Ross: My Ass Rap

This song was infamous when it was released a few years ago. Many people were able to laugh at it while others found it quite disrespectful. Trust us when we say that here at Still Real To Us we have absolutely nothing but respect for Jim Ross and as a matter of fact in our opinion he’s the greatest pro wrestling commentator of all time. With that being said, this song was put together perfectly and it’s pretty much impossible not to laugh at it if you’re a wrestling fan.


#1 – Two Count TV: Hitler Goes To WrestleMania XXX

We have to admit that when we first watched this video created by Two Count TV it almost had us in tears because we were laughing so hard. The dialogue and movements that come from Hitler in this video are just absolutely hilarious.

It’s no big secret that the majority of wrestling fans are very frustrated with the WWE product at the moment and this video captures that angst perfectly. No one ever thought they would say Hitler is right but when you listen to what he has to say in this video, it’s hard to disagree with him.

Check out Two Count Tees on Facebook by clicking HERE.


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