11 Funny Promos From The Rock That Prove He’s The Great One


The Rock is one of the greatest WWE superstars of all time and some would argue that he’s the best ever on the mic. After going through this list it’s hard to argue with that. There have been many talented mic workers in the history of wrestling but The Rock is just on a whole different level. He can be serious and funny and he can also tear the target of his promo to shreds with just a few words. Every single time The Rock grabs the mic it’s captivating and he grabs your attention. Prepare to relive some of his greatest moments.


#11 – The Rock Owns Rikishi

[youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8T44HFJHivs”]

Rikishi tried really hard to get on The Rock’s good side by running over Stone Cold Steve Austin back in the day. It didn’t work out very well as he found himself on the receiving end of one of The Rock’s promos.



#10 – It Doesn’t Matter Who The Anonymous Raw GM Is

[youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EP3WmLY9mUU”]

Back in the days of the anonymous Raw GM Michael Cole was generating massive heat playing the voice of this anonymous figure. It was tough to handle after a while and the fans needed someone to shut him down. The Rock was just the man for that job.



#9 – Mr. Ass

[youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCo2mOF95UQ”]

After winning King of the Ring Billy Gunn was trying to climb the ladder in WWE but he was trying to do it at the expense of The Rock which turned out to be a big mistake. As most wrestling fans know, The Rock isn’t one to keep his mouth shut when someone gets on his bad side.



#8 – My Name Is Kane

[youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6X6eQjcWtys”]

If you just started watching WWE you might not know that at one point Kane was mute but eventually he started talking with the help of a voice box. The Rock goes after Kane with a verbal assault using his voice box as the fuel that lights the fire resulting in a short but sweet promo.



#7 – The Big Slow

[youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osId_oMD6q0″]

The Rock didn’t take too kindly to The Big Show trying to take him out so he got his revenge through a classic Rock promo. It was during this promo that The Rock changed The Big Show’s name to The Big Slow



#6 – The Rock Returns

[youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOq30BTMfLY”]

It was a long wait but when The Rock finally returned to WWE in 2011 it was all worth it. As soon as he grabbed the mic it was like he never left. The Rock addressed the current state of the WWE and called out John Cena much to the delight of every fan in the building and around the world.



#5 – Y2J Debuts

[youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sRtouhd6co”]

Chris Jericho finally arrived in the WWE in 1999 after months of mystery and anticipation. His debut was one of the greatest moments in Raw history and he cut an amazing promo about the change he was going to bring to the WWE. It was captivating, it was charismatic, it was truly special. Then, The Rock chimed in.



#4 – The Rock And Y2J Rip On Stephanie McMahon

[youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZU1r9xuppc”]

The Rock and Chris Jericho were always an awesome combo when they were competing against each other but this segment proved how well they can work when they team up. The Rock and Jericho take the gloves off and burn Stephanie McMahon to the ground in one of the most offensive promos they’ve ever done.




#3 – The Rock And Stone Cold Serenade Each Other

[youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Lf9Ar861Ws”]

This promo got pretty intense as The Rock and Steve Austin were building towards Survivor Series 2001 but towards the end they start to relax. Once they get all their anger out The Rock and Stone Cold prove why they were an awesome combo in the ring and on the mic as they start singing to each other.




#2 – Armageddon Hell In A Cell

[youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6k_QYTaWe14″]

The Rock was set to compete in a hell in a cell match at Armageddon against 5 other superstars for the WWE title. In this promo he imitates 5 of the greatest wrestlers of The Attitude Era and tears them to shred with his words like only The Rock can.




#1 – The Rock Concert

[youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiozRNbqufM”]

The Rock concert is now infamous and no one will forget the first time they heard it. The Rock does what he does best but takes it to a new level by including his guitar. He plays the cocky heel in this one and does an amazing job. Even if you’re from Sacramento, it’s impossible not to laugh at this one.


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