randy orton

The RKO is without a doubt one of the most recognizable moves in all of professional wrestling, but as WWE often reminds its viewers, it’s best for them not to try wrestling moves at home.

Recently a teenager by the name of Gianny Sosa, 18 years old, tried to hit the move on Southridge High’s principal, and according to the Miami Herald Sosa has been charged with battery on a school employee.

The victim was identified as Humberto Miret, and he was said to adamant about pursuing charges against Sosa.

Video of the incident shows Humberto putting Sosa in a choke hold after the RKO attempt, and Sosa was said to be uncooperative when he was put in a room following the incident.

Defense attorney Roy Ugarte told the judge that “everyone knows wrestling is fake” and he suggested Sosa was playing around as the move can’t be properly executed without the assistance of the other person. Ugarte trying to explain the concept of professional wrestling, and what a RKO is to the judge, then followed up by saying the incident “shouldn’t have been arrestable.”

Video of the incident can be seen below.