Seth Rollins On How Much Longer The Shield Will Last And More


IGN recently interviewed Seth Rollins. You can read some highlights below.

If he feels like The Shield should stay together for awhile more: “I definitely do. I think there’s a lot of life left in The Shield, especially with the different direction the crowd has taken on with us. I think there’s a long way to go for us as a group — as individuals as well. There’s no reason we can’t advance in both situations. I think people assume that for whatever reason there’s an exclusivity to being a single star and a great stable. But for me it’s never about that. We can all grow as individuals, and we can all be big stars in our own right. The Shield can be as big as it’s ever been. It doesn’t have to be one or the other.”

If it feels different being a babyface faction: “Yeah, I think that’s the best way to describe it. We’re just doing what we do. I don’t think we’ve necessarily changed that much about us. We’re still black-clad, we’re still out there kicking ass, taking names. For whatever reason, the crowd seems to be on our side at this point. It feels good. It’s nice. The energy levels definitely haven’t gone down at all. If anything, they’ve risen up. It’s a different kind of energy. It’s awesome. I think people have always appreciated what we do, but I feel like for whatever reason now, they just feel like it’s okay to cheer us. So that’s cool. I dig that.”

If he still has his own moments as a fan despite being a star: “Yeah, getting to have conversations actually with guys that I idolized or being across the ring from someone like an Undertaker, that’s crazy stuff. That’s stuff you never ever think’s going to happen to you. I always wanted to be a wrestler, and I always thought that this was a place I was going to end up, just because that was the goal for me. But some of these things that we’ve done over the past year and a half have been really surreal, just being in a WrestleMania, wrestling guys like Undertaker and being in the ring with The Rock. You think those guys are going to be long gone by the time you get here. For them to be around and having a WrestleMania match with the Outlaws and Kane, who I watched when I was 12 years old, that’s just crazy stuff, man. That’s stuff you can write chapters in your book, you know what I mean? It’s just crazy.”



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