Rockstar Spud On How He Became A Wrestler, Creating His Gimmick


Rockstar Spud recently interviewed by the Its Knight Time Wrestling Podcast. Here are the highlights:

What made him want to be a wrestler: I was always captivated by it but when your 6 years old your expected to play football and all these other things but it was kind of the case where every sport I wanted to do, I got told i was too small so professional wrestling was the last place. I was always fascinated by the larger than life characters and personalities.

On Magnus Helping Him Stay Grounded: He’s always there to remind me of things. He’s like a big brother to me. I annoy him I’m sure but he’s amazing.

Coming up with the Rockstar Gimmick: I needed to figure out what I was and someone told me that my personality traits fitted a Rockstar. It’s just me turning my personality up to 11. That’s where it came form, the five negative points about me compared to the positive points. I watched a lot of the Freebirds, a lot of the old NWA wrestling and a lot of bands and how they’d react when they were talking. I wanted to see how I could make it more a of a character than a wrestler.

On How TNA British Boot Camp Came Along: I had some matches with Magnus and he mentioned me to Jeff Jarrett who had the idea for British Bootcamp. Bootcamp came knocking and we started filming in September and it was a very different show. I think WWE really copied the concept with the Total Divas show they’re doing now. It was a great platform for me to show my personality.

On Winning British Boot Camp: My biggest era in wrestling was Hulk Hogan, he’s the biggest star in the world and he’s standing there in front of me and he and Dixie Carter have chosen me, it was just things dreams are made of. I’m so fortunate because the window of opportunity is so small for Bristish wrestlers and wrestlers all over the world.

On Jeremy Borash’s Work Ethic: He took British Bootcamp under his wing and edited it himself and did not stop editing it until from September all the way through December when the first episode aired. In between he was still ring announcing every house show, ring announcing and backstage interviewing for every tv as well as running the website and working at the office. The mans work ethic is absolutely off the charts and I admire him so much because of how much he does.

On Sting: He’s one of the nicest men I’ve ever met. He’s a gentleman, a Christian, and just a real nice man. It was a pleasure just to have done anything with him whether it be a backstage, in-ring segment or anything like that.


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