renee young

Renee Young is one of the most talented broadcasters in WWE, and she’s been a valuable asset to the company for many years now. Renee has great chemistry with just about every wrestler she interviews, and she’s awesome on the mic, but many fans have wondered if she’ll ever become a wrestler herself.

Related: Renee Young Reveals New Details About Her Secret Wedding To Dean Ambrose

A few months ago when The Miz and Dean Ambrose were both on SmackDown Live, Renee Young got involved in their feud when she slapped The Miz. At the time there were a lot of rumors going around claiming that WWE officials were considering possibly having Renee do more physical work as part of the feud, but nothing ever came of the rumors.

Fans are still asking her about possibly becoming a wrestler, but according to Renee Young, all signs point to her not stepping in the ring.

Roxy Astor and Sunny The California Girl from GLOW joined this week’s episode of Still Real Radio to talk about what’s going on with the GLOW girls, their AfterGLOW cruise and more. Jeff Timmons from the band 98 Degrees also randomly makes an appearance, and we run down our predictions for the Money in the Bank pay-per-view. You can subscribe to Still Real Radio on iTunes and you can also check out the latest episode below.