Magnus On His Favorite Wrestlers Growing Up


TNA star Magnus recently did an interview on the Morning Crew Radio Show to promote a TNA live event. Check out the highlights below.

Toughest part about wrestling: Being away form my family is tough but I sort of always knew that would be the case because they’re all in England. In order to be successful, you have to come to the States. The other thing would be you have to have a thick skin nowadays. With wrestling everybodies a critic and since the exposes, books, documentaries and all that kind of stuff, everybody thinks their an expert. The further up the card you get the more there’s speculation about this is that. You have to develop a filter of what’s real or not.

Comparing Live events to TV: Even if your an avid fan and you watch every single week or if your just an in-and-out casual fan, going to a live event is so different even if you’ve never seen wrestling before. We have this new thing on our live events called the pre-show party which is like a miniature version of comic con. They have all theses stations set up so kids can come and get their picture taken with the championship belt or there’s a little set of the ring ropes and turnbuckles so they can pretend to be a wrestler and all this really cool stuff. The other thing with the live events is when you watch it on tv people don’t realize with commercial breaks and all the segments we have to get in, time is very short. At live events we don’t have that restriction so we do all kinds of off the cuff stuff and involve the audience. It’s really unpredictable and fun.

Favorite wrestlers growing up: The first guy who really sort of captivated my imagination as a kid in England was Bret “The Hitman” Hart. He was the one for me who I went like man I want to be just like him he’s so cool. The sunglasses and the hair was great. As I got older I became a huge fan of Shawn Michaels, Sting, Ric Flair, and all of the huge names like The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H, and the Undertaker. All the legends. Kurt Angle is another one. By the time he really became the man was when I formulated in my head that I wanted to be a wrestler so I looked up to him so much. To be able to wrestle him and be around him as long as I have is nuts to me. I think that overall the guy that I keep looking up to and keep going back and watching more than anyone else is probably Ric Flair.




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