Latest On Neville’s Status With WWE After Walking Out Before Raw


Neville’s departure from WWE was rather surprising. One minute he’s King Of The Cruiserweights, and then there are reports saying he left WWE.

In the latest issue of The Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Dave Meltzer noted some people in WWE told him Neville is “100 percent gone.” This might be an unfortunate situation, but we can only imagine Neville has plenty of options once he is fully free from his WWE contract.

“He’s disappeared” Meltzer stated on Wrestling Observer Radio, “Yeah, so he got to TV on Monday and he was told the main event was him losing to Enzo and then he left TV.  I guess he’s done but that’s still up in the air. Technically he’s still under contract, I don’t know how all this will be handled but I think he’s kinda in that same position CM Punk was in when it was like he’s gone but he was still with [WWE] at the same time.”

“So there’s all sorts of stuff that needs to be worked out before anyone can really say anything. I don’t know what his mentality or motivations were and why he walked out — that I can’t answer.”

Some would assume as co-host Bryan Alvarez did the story might just be that Neville heard he was going to job to Enzo so he left. But Meltzer went on to comment further where he revealed there could be more a reason for Neville to walk out before Raw like he did.

“There may be more to it than that, you don’t know if something was promised to him. You know, there’s still — you know? It could be that he was tired of something or another? Until you hear more from him or people close to him and I haven’t [This] is all we well know. I presume… I don’t know doing a job for Enzo would make someone wanna quit on its own, perhaps there are more reasons to it. Maybe he just wanted to leave and that was a reason to leave.”

If you use the quotes in this article please credit Wrestling Observer Radio 


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