Chris Jericho On When He Knew It Was Time For His WWE Run To End

chris jericho

Chris Jericho recently wrapped up an incredible run with WWE, and now he’s focusing on Fozzy. Even though Jericho has shifted gears, wrestling fans around the world are still hoping to see him return to WWE as soon as possible.

When Jericho returned to WWE programming in January of 2016, he initially worked as a babyface. But as time went on he ended up turning heel and feuding with stars such as AJ Styles, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and more.

Even though Chris Jericho was a heel for most of his WWE run, he still got a positive reaction from the crowd, because he was just so entertaining. After Kevin Owens turned on him during the Festival of Friendship, Jericho found himself working more of a babyface role, and that’s when he knew it was time to go.

Jericho recently spoke to Uproxx about what fans can expect from Fozzy’s upcoming album, the success of Talk Is Jericho and more. During the interview he talked a little bit about his exit, and he said that trying to work as a full-time face just wasn’t something he felt fit the Jericho character.

“And like I said, for this one, I knew that it was time to go because you get to a certain level, then you turn baby face, and then that’s where you start having problems, because with the baby face you either win the title and you’re John Cena, or you start going down through the ranks. And that wouldn’t work for me, for this character, with the Jericho character. I’ve always been better as a heel. That’s my wheelhouse.”

“And then people start liking you, so you switch, but then it’s only a short amount of time when that stuff that they loved you doing as a heel, that they love as a baby … “It’s just a parody of himself.” And I don’t want to deal with that s–t. I don’t want to deal with the hardcore fans and stuff like that. I had fun with it, I knew it was time to go. I have people saying, “When are you coming back to wrestling?” It’s been 3 weeks.”

Jericho has certainly had his fair share of memorable moments as a face, but he’s found the most success as a heel.

Do you think Jericho ended his run at the right time? Sound off in the comments below.


  1. Smart move from a long running, proffesional entertainer. More the power to him. Easily the most entertaining wrestler of the time. He will be missed!


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