beth phoenix

When news broke saying Natalya was chosen by WWE to induct Beth Phoenix into the WWE Hall of Fame, there weren’t a whole lot of people surprised by this. The two WWE divas spent many nights on the road and even more memorable moments in the ring together during Beth’s now Hall of Fame career.

Related: Natalya Wants Ronda Rousey’s First Match If She Signs With WWE

Beth Phoenix was more than happy by this news as she seemed outright delighted. While borrowing an iconic phrase from a fellow WWE Hall of Famer, Mrs. Copeland thanked Natalya Neidhart for not only being a part of the “Divas of Doom” with her but also being an amazing friend.

Beth Phoenix posted the following:

Natalya was quick to reply in similar sentimental fashion. Nattie has never been one to keep her words or emotions a secret. Therefore we can expect a real moment of feels at the HOF on the Friday night before WrestleMania.

Natalya also shared an awesome photo of herself with two other wrestling legends that was just too cool not to include in this article. The Divas of Doom, Natalya and Phoenix both idolized Mae Young to a great degree, as they should have. Naturally, Nattie being the lover of photography that she is just had to capture this moment in time.