austin aries

Everyone’s talking about the big main event from this week’s episode of WWE SmackDown Live. John Cena and Shinsuke Nakamura faced off in a number 1 contenders match, and Shinsuke Nakamura picked up a huge victory when he pinned Cena clean in the middle of the ring. Nakamura will now go on to challenge Jinder Mahal for the WWE Championship at SummerSlam.

Related: Shinsuke Nakamura Says Sorry To John Cena, Kevin Owens Comments On Cena’s Rough Landing

During the closing moments of the match, Nakamura hit Cena with a backdrop suplex, and he dropped the 16 time WWE World Champion on his neck. After the match Nakamura told Cena he’s sorry, and Cena responded by saying, “don’t be sorry.”

Everyone’s talking about John Cena’s rough landing on Tuesday night, including former WWE star Austin Aries.

Last year Aries was injured during a match with Nakamura after a kick to the face broke his orbital bone. Austin Aries commented on the spot from SmackDown Live by telling Cena, “at least @ShinsukeN didn’t break your eyehole too.”

Back in June during an interview with Sports Illustrated, Aries talked about the injury and said it may have been a “blessing in disguise.”

“We’ll just add it to the list of sacrifices that anyone who has done this for a length of time has made, physically, with our bodies. We accept that because we love what we do. In some ways, it may be a blessing in disguise. I don’t know where my path would have taken me had that not happened. I do know where it took me after it did – to go into commentary on 205 Live, then transition onto Raw, which led to my opportunity at WrestleMania and a great series of matches with Neville. If that came out of the broken eye hole, it’s a fair trade-off.”