Aaron Rodgers Talks About Wishing Hulk Hogan A Happy Birthday


– Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers discussed pro wrestling in a new interview with AlternativeNation.net. During the interview, Rodgers revealed that he had fond memories of the nWo.

“I remember a big PPV match, I think 9 of us put together like 5 bucks each and rented the PPV. Hulk Hogan and the nWo, with Dennis Rodman, had a tag team match against DDP and Karl Malone. At the time I was a big Chicago Bulls fan, loved the Jordan Bulls. I was a big Pippen, MJ, and Dennis Rodman fan,” Rodgers said. “We really liked the WWF as well, Hogan was always one of our favorites, so we pulled hard for Hogan and Rodman, and they came out on top. So to get the opportunity to get to wish Hogan a happy birthday, that was something we really looked forward to.”


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