chris jericho

This week’s episode of Monday Night Raw featured more hype for the 2017 Royal Rumble match and it also featured appearances from Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker. HBK spent most of his time promoting his upcoming movie, but he did get physical with Rusev when he hit him with Sweet Chin Music. The Undertaker on the other hand declared that he’s digging 29 holes for 29 souls, because he’s entering the Royal Rumble match.

Related: Chris Jericho Is The New WWE United States Champion

Monday night was also a big night for Chris Jericho, as he finally won the United States Championship after pinning Roman Reigns in a handicap match. During Raw the internet did what it does best, it reacted to the show and you can check out some of the most hilarious reactions to this week’s episode of WWE Raw below.












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